Surgical Instructions

Pre-operative Instructions

The following instructions may be helpful when preparing for your upcoming surgery. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any last-minute questions. We can be reached at Bronx Dental Implants & Periodontics Office Phone Number 718-597-8457 during regular business hours.

If you are taking Coumadin or another blood thinner, remember to discontinue them as directed. If you take antibiotic premed, please take it as directed before your surgery. You will feel better if you have eaten prior to surgery. We keep the office cool, so dress warmly. You may bring your iPod or MP3 player with you if you would like.

In order to evaluate your progress and healing, we will see you for post-operative checks during the first 1 – 6 weeks. After surgery, in most cases, we will also look forward to seeing you back for a periodontal maintenance cleaning and an examination of tissue maturation about 10-12 weeks following the surgery.


Please alert the office to any allergies or sensitivities that you might have to antibiotics. You will be prescribed an antibiotic if our doctor determines it to be necessary.

Post-operative Instructions

These instructions apply to the surgical procedure just completed. They are designed to help you minimize post-surgical discomfort and inform you of any situation that may require special attention.

Avoid physical, strenuous activity for 24 hours. Do not drink anything very hot until tomorrow.

Pain Medications

It is not unusual to have discomfort for at least the first week following your surgical procedure. You will be given a prescription for medication to help you tolerate the post-surgical recovery period. Please take your medications as directed. If necessary, you may take your pain medication more frequently than every 4-6 hours to stay ahead of the soreness. It is advisable to not take pain medication on an empty stomach, as nausea may result.

For discomfort, take 600-800mg Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) every 6 hours.  If this is not enough, then take the prescription medication we prescribed to you as stated on the bottle. Avoid taking prescription medication on an empty stomach.

Note: When taking any prescribed medication containing Acetaminophen (Tylenol), i.e.; Percocet, Hydrocodone, Vicodin, you should not take additional Tylenol so as not to exceed the safety level of Acetaminophen. Please contact the office with any questions you may have.


An antibiotic may be prescribed following your surgical procedure. Take as directed until gone. It is advisable not to take these medications on an empty stomach, as nausea may result. For women taking birth control pills, be advised that antibiotics may interfere with their effectiveness. You can purchase Acidophilus or Probiotics at your drug store in the vitamin section to avoid stomach irritation from antibiotics. Take 3-4 pills per day.


It is normal to have some swelling 2-3 days after surgery. In order to minimize this, place ice on the outside of your cheek (10 minutes on, 10 minutes off) for about 2 hours only on the day of the surgery. The ice will not help the swelling on any day after.


If you see a small amount of oozing and bleeding, this is normal and is nothing to worry about.  If you detect excessive bleeding, wipe off any existing blood clot and place firm pressure on the gum using your finger in the area with a wet tea bag for 20 minutes. This will usually stop the bleeding. If after a few times this does not rectify the situation, please call the office.

Food Suggestions

Favor the opposite side of your mouth as you eat this week. Try to eat softer foods. Do not eat hard, crunchy foods or foods with small seeds in the area of the surgery. Avoid hot foods and liquids for approximately 1 hour following the surgery so as not to soften the dressing. A soft diet is recommended. Foods such as cottage cheese, oatmeal, soup, eggs, yogurt, pasta, mashed potatoes, casseroles, and fruits are more easily eaten. Remember, adequate nutrition is essential for feeling better as well as for healing.

When preparing a post-op menu, please consider some of the following choices:

  • Jell-O
  • Bananas
  • Yogurt
  • Pasta
  • Milk Shakes
  • Casseroles
  • Eggs
  • Fish, chicken, meat
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Ensure/Slim Fast
  • Soups
  • Pudding
  • Rice
  • Applesauce
  • Oatmeal
  • Macaroni & Cheese
  • Mashed Potatoes

Ready to Schedule a Consultation?

Call us: 718-597-8457


The periodontal dressing (which acts as a bandage) is used to protect the surgical site and help reduce discomfort. Do not brush on top of it. You can use mouthwash as often as you like and clean it with a q-tip. If it falls off before your post-op appointment, keep the area clean by gently brushing the teeth and using dental floss.


Do not smoke for at least 2 weeks following your surgical procedure. It will significantly slow healing and can compromise results.


Do not drink alcohol while taking narcotic prescription pain medications.


Do not rinse hard for the first 24 hours. After that, you may use a mild, diluted mouthwash. Repeat as necessary to help keep the dressing clean.


You can gently brush any area that doesn’t have periodontal dressing. You may resume normal brushing/flossing in other areas.

Suture Removal

You may notice increased discomfort 3-4 days after the surgical procedure. As the tissues begin to heal, they may pull against the sutures and dressing. You may choose to take some form of pain medication one hour prior to your suture removal appointment to minimize tenderness. If you are a patient for whom Antibiotic Pre-Medication is required, take the prescribed antibiotics 1 hour prior to your suture removal appointment.

Contact Us

Please do not hesitate to contact us at Bronx Dental Implants & Periodontics Office Phone Number 718-597-8457